Not for profit sector

Given our local roots and the fact we have been in business for over 50 years, we have strong links in the local community. As a result we have advised and continue to advise a diverse range of local charities – both large and small.

Unfortunately, charities have not been sheltered from the ever increasing burden of regulation and compliance and they, like our commercial clients, need someone to help ease that burden and to provide technical advice in a helpful, friendly and practical manner.

Charities come in many guises – from unincorporated associations to companies limited by guarantee. Recently, the ability for schools to opt for Academy status has meant the creation of a number of new, large local charities that need help and advice on issues from accounting to governance.

Whatever type of organisation you are, here is a list of some of the many services we offer that may be relevant to you:

  • Setting up and improving accounting systems and software. Advising on compliance with Charity accounting standards (Charity SORP)
  • Advising trustees on key board policies – eg reserves and accounting policies, risk management etc
  • Company secretarial
  • Academy responsible officer support / training
  • VAT advice
  • Charity audit / independent examinations

In addition please look at our other services which may be of help.

We understand that you need helpful, practical friendly advice. A number of our staff and partners are either trustees or volunteers for local or national charities. As a result, we like to think that we understand at first hand some of the issues you face.

Whether a small local charity looking for someone to help with basic compliance or a newly formed academy school in need of some detailed accounting and regulatory help, please call or email

Contact us

To get a flavour of what we can do for you, please feel free to call or email any of our partners or staff for a chat or to arrange a free initial meeting.